


 Simon Coveney TD食物及海洋農業部宣布,2015年將注益2百90萬歐元幫助18個國內水產加工公司,投資將舉私人公司結合,總投資金額更高達9百萬歐元,預估在2017年將可創造145個職缺與4千1百萬歐元的營業額增加,本投資將在歐洲海鮮成長計畫下由食物及海洋農業部和歐洲水產基金會共同投資。


部長總結,水產加工在愛爾蘭是非常重要的產業,並且在海鮮收或計劃(Food Harvest 2020 plan)佔有重要的一環,我們可以預期在政府計劃性輔導下,海鮮加工將逐步成長壯大,成為世界不可或缺的海鮮供應鏈的一環。



Coveney announces €9 million investment driving the expansion of the Irish Seafood Processing industry
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD, has announced the award of €2.7 million in grant-aid to 18 seafood processing companies under the 2015 Seafood Processing Business Investment Scheme. Taken in conjunction with private sector investment, the total investment will be almost €9 million in 2015. The supported projects are projected to deliver 145 Jobs and €41 million in additional sales by 2017. The grants are co-funded by the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine and the European Fisheries Fund under the Seafood Development Programme.

Minister Coveney, in stressing the value of this grant-aid package to the Seafood Processing industry said, “this investment of almost €9 million in 2015 will enable our innovative seafood processers to continue their strong growth trend over recent years that will see the sector continuing to grow sales internationally and grow employment in our coastal communities. It will put the required technology, infrastructure and standards in place to allow these businesses develop added value seafood products that are in great demand on the global market.”

The Minister concluded “the Irish seafood processing industry generally, in line with Government policy under the Food Harvest 2020 plan, has strong plans to significantly grow its business further in the years ahead. I believe we can look forward with confidence to seeing the seafood processing sector continuing to be an integral part of Government’s policy to grow our indigenous seafood industry”.

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