

對蝦養殖主要在亞洲和拉丁美洲。其中白斑綜合症是養殖蝦最嚴重的疾病之一,目前對於這種病尚無有效的治療方法,最近科學家發現標記基因決定黑虎蝦black tiger shrimp如何抵禦疾病的基因。目前他們現在計畫尋找白蝦的抗病基因。如果該標記被用來選種種蝦對該疾病的耐受性,由疾病引起的對蝦養殖業問題將被顯著降低。




 印度和挪威科學家一直在尋找的蝦基因預防性解決方案。他們已合作在尋求基因標記,這基因組中位於針對蝦類病毒免疫。在挪威食品研究所Nofima Nicholas Robinson資深科學家認為,研究結果將會對蝦類繁殖產生重大的影響:









 “我們現在開始為白對蝦具有相同目標的項目的過程 - 發現遺傳的工具,可以減少疾病,是對蝦養殖普遍,”總結羅賓遜。









The first gene markers in shrimp


This is the first extensive experiment in which genes markers related to disease have been found in shrimp.


The research has been carried out by Nofima and the Indian CIBA (Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture), and financed by the Research Council of Norway and the Indian Department of Biotechnology.


In addition to finding markers for disease resistance in the black tiger shrimp, the scientists have also found markers for genes that determine sex. The gene markers for sex could assist hatcheries to produce exclusively female shrimp for distribution. Male shrimp are small and grow slowly, so the discovery of sex-determining markers 


can enable aquaculture personnel to produce healthier shrimp that grow more rapidly.




Finding the disease markers




The genetic code (DNA sequence) in the genes of various shrimp was analysed, as the scientists sought for the markers. Variation in the DNA sequence of nearly 4,000 genes was compared within large groups that had been exposed to the disease. The scientists were looking for correlations between the duration of survival of the shrimp after being infected and the genetic code in their genes. It was possible in this way to reveal nine gene markers that were associated with resistance to the disease. Some of these were present in, or close to, genes that are known to have a function related to immunity in fish.




The scientists are now planning to examine whether the same genes affect the resistance to white spot disease in white shrimp. This will be financed by the same sources, and new partners will be involved. White shrimp is also used in aquaculture in India and several Asian countries.




We are now in the process of starting a project for the white shrimp with the same goals – to discover genetic tools that can reduce a disease that is widespread in shrimp aquaculture,” concludes Robinson.




About Nofima




Nofima, the Norwegian Institute of Food, Fisheries and Aquaculture Research, was established in 2008. Nofima is one of Europe’s largest institutes for applied research within the fields of fisheries, aquaculture and food.




The institute has around 350 employees and has an annual turnover of about NOK 530 million.




We carry out internationally recognised research and develop solutions that provide a competitive edge throughout the value chain.




The head office is located in Tromsø, and the research divisions are located in Bergen, Sunndalsøra, Stavanger, Tromsø and Ås.




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